Dietician explains the health benefits of eating ginger root

Mustering the energy to get up and go in the morning can be difficult, especially in the winter.

Many Britons rely on coffee as a tried and tested way to feel ready for the day ahead.

However, this caffeinated drink isn’t to the taste of everyone.

If this is the case, why not try a tasty ginger shot to start the day?

According to the Gordon Ramsay Academy, these mini beverages are “quick and easy to make”.

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The academy explains: “We love a ginger shot to wake us up in the morning, and they’re quick and easy to make!

“Chef Vanessa has shared her favourite homemade ginger juice recipe, sweetened with a splash of apple and lemon.

“To add your own twist, try with turmeric, lime, or even chilli if you’re feeling brave.”

To make the shot you will need one large piece of ginger, one apple and the zest and juice of one lemon.

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“Chop the ginger and apple into small pieces (no need to peel),” Vanessa says. “Add to a blender with the lemon zest and juice.

“Blitz together – it will be quite thick but you can add a splash of water to the blender if it needs it.

“Tip into a muslin cloth or tea towel. Squeeze out all the liquid into a clean glass, jug, jar or bottle.”

You can drink it straight away or store it in the fridge for up to five days.

“Just give it a good shake each time,” Vanessa adds.

She also recommends adding a little grated turmeric and cracked black pepper for an extra.

But what are the benefits of these ingredients?

The main component, ginger, has long been recognised as something with multiple health benefits.

Experts believe the root may:

  • Help treat fever or cold
  • Reduce sickness
  • Relieve pain
  • Calm the digestive system
  • Support heart health
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Support the liver
  • Reduce menstrual pain
  • Aid weight management.

If that wasn’t enough, there are also claims it has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Apple juice too has its benefits. The fruit contains vitamin C, calcium, potassium, magnesium and fibre.

Lemon is also rich in vitamin C, which can support the immune system and aid in the body’s ability to fight illness.

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