Brownies are a popular pudding option in the UK, with their rich and fudgy texture favoured by many people.

However, with so many recipes online, it can be hard to know which one will give you the best result, so I recently tried Mary Berry’s to see how tasty they were.

Taken from her website, the chef’s “ultimate” chocolate brownie recipe makes 24 squares of delicious brownies and is ready in under an hour.

The recipe notes said: “This is our favourite brownie. It has a wrinkled top and a gooey middle. Perfect for eating as it is or you could add a topping of your choice.”

I started by lining a 12×9 inch traybake tin with greaseproof paper and preheating the oven to 180C.

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360g Bournville plain chocolate, broken into pieces

225g butter, cubed

225g light muscovado sugar

Four eggs, beaten

75g self-raising four

One tsp vanilla extract

75g chocolate chips


To start with, I placed the chocolate and butter in a large heatproof bowl before placing it over a pan of simmering water until melted.

It is important to keep stirring the mixture until fully melted to ensure the chocolate and butter are fully combined.

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I then removed this mixture from the heat and left it to the side for a few minutes before adding the sugar and eggs.

The recipe said to mix well until smooth and then add the flour and vanilla. It was then time to add in the chocolate chips, stirring until combined.

I poured the chocolate mixture into the prepared tin and baked them for 45 minutes, until well risen and set around the edges, with a slightly soft centre.

The brownies were left to cool in the tin before slicing them into 24 squares and putting them in an airtight container.

These brownies were delicious and not too rich unlike some recipes I have tried before, and they were super gooey in the middle which is a must when it comes to brownies.

I also found them so easy to make compared to other recipes which call for lots more ingredients and ones which often need an electric whisk to make.

Overall, they had a lovely taste and were so simple to make and I will be making them for my family again.

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